Wednesday, August 15, 2012

One Direction Pictures and More Facts!

I found  Some interesting pictures of One Direction:

Har Har....

 Prison Photo?

This picture always made me and my dad laugh!
He looks half drunk!!!

Dude! What is that on your face?!

Yah right..

I don't know if any of you know this, but I found out that Niall is actually Catholic!!
Zayn is Muslim, and the rest of them are just Christian. Pretty neat huh?

More One Direction Facts....

Harry says that if he had the chance,, he'd date Taylor Swift.

 Niall sings loud in the shower

When Harry was younger he used to write on his toast with food colouring.

Zayn wishes he could swap voices with Niall.
With all the money Niall has made, he bought his mum a new car.

Louis like it when girls wear glasses, real or not.

 In a survey on facebook Niall came out favorite member with 60% of votes and Harry came last with 5% of votes.

Niall talks about his day in his sleep.

Harry agreed to pose in a mankini if 'Gotta Be You' goes to number one.

Zayn wanted the album to be called 'Zayn and the Boys'.

Zayn doesn't like his lips.

While filming "What Make's you Beautiful" Louis sent a message in a bottle. What a true pirate, he even wears stripes :)

Zayn is 5'9" or 174cm
 Liam is 5'10" or 178cm
 Harry is 5'10" or 178cm
 Niall is 5'7" or 171cm

Somebody took a picture of Harry and Louis to a Gay Rights Parade :D
Niall annoys Zayn by singing everything in opera. One morning Niall was singing in opera and Zayn slapped him.

This is a pretty cool Web site about 1D!


PS: Go check out Jessica Giveaway!


  1. "Harry says that if he had the chance,, he'd date Taylor Swift." :O I thought they were just friends?! hehe this is interesting...

    "Niall sings loud in the shower" :D Love singing in the shower! :P

    "With all the money Niall has made, he bought his mum a new car." Awww you're so nice, Niall!

    "Louis like it when girls wear glasses, real or not." O.M.G. I wear glasses!!! :O :D

    "Niall annoys Zayn by singing everything in opera. One morning Niall was singing in opera and Zayn slapped him." hehe now what does this remind me of??? I haven't shown you this yet, send me an email!! :D

    1. I used to wear glasses, but i gave them up. i'm doing eye exercises now.

      I like to sing in the shower too! (Usually One Direction songs) but I get to hear about when I get out!!:)
      PS: Waiting for that email!



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